1、妈妈的英语:mother。读音:英[m(r)],美[mr]。短语搭配:mother liquor结晶母液;Mother Machree圣母歌;the mother母亲。
2、Did you get a present for your mother?给你母亲买礼物了吗?
3、She’s a mother and company director in one.她既是母亲又是公司董事。
4、Did you get your mother a present?给你母亲买礼物了吗?
5、When she left school she grew away from her mother.她中学毕业后就不再那么依赖母亲了。
6、I want to buy a present for my mother and father.我想给爸爸妈妈买件礼物。
上一篇:金字旁加呈 汉字锃怎么读
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