1、You know I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel sad when youre sad I feel glad when youre glad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile without you you came along just like a song and brighten my day who would of believed that you where part of a dream now it all seems light years away and now you know I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel sad when your sad I feel glad when you´re glad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile now some people say happiness takes so very long to find well, Im finding it hard leaving your love behind me and you see I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel glad when youre glad I feel sad when youre sad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile without you。
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