If I should see you,after long year.How should I greet, with tears, with silence. 若我会见到你,事隔多年。我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。
The more in the world is the opposite and not all roads lead to Rome. 这个世界上多的是南辕北辙,少的是殊途同归。
To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but there is no one in your heart. 孤单不是因为没有朋友,而是没有人住在你心里。
All don't want to settle, get into the night. 所有的不愿将就,都熬成了漫漫长夜。
Time to tell the truth, I fear all adhere to become a joke.” 我也害怕时间说真话,最后所有的坚持都变成笑话。
“If affection be betrayed, the rest of the life will be lonely.倘若深情被辜负,余生尽予孤独又何妨
I excel at many things, but getting over you was not one of them. 我擅长很多事情,但是忘记你,并不在其中。
He is in you to vent the lonely you actually naive thought that is the love.“他在你身上宣泄着寂寞 你却天真的以为那就是爱情 ”
I don’t care about your past. All I wanna know is if there’s a place for me in your future.我不在乎你的过去,只关心你的未来是否有我。
Since then mention you no wind no rain also no clear. 从此以后提及你,无风无雨也无晴。
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