Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。
I am ordinary yet unique. 我很平凡,但我独一无二。
Miss not obedient, oneself ran out 思念不听话,自己跑出来
“I'm confused, but I'm great.我很迷茫,但我装的很棒。”
I was unable to participate in your past, but I will fight in the end with your future. 你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。
Promise was broken and yesterday can not be put together. 碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。
It'd be better we don't meet again because of the skillful acting. 即使再见面,成熟地表演,不如不见。
Countless times I wanted to fall in love with somebody,but I found it was impossible. 无数次想随便找个人谈恋爱,却发现根本不可能。
Don't argue,don't hear. 不争不辩,不闻不见。
Story is very long and I will make it short.I like you, for a long time. 故事很长,我长话短说,喜欢你,很久了。
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