For I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。
My heart is not a restaurant which opens for 24 hours, there is no welcome at any time. 我的心不是24小时营业的餐厅,没有随时的欢迎光临。
Believe that god is fair. 相信上帝是公平的。
There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。
People who are able to hurt me are all my beloved. 能伤害我的,都是我爱的。
I really love the people that I really hurt . 我真心心疼的人让我真心的疼。
Believe that God puts someone in your life for a reason, and removes him from your life for a better reason。---上天安排某人进入你的生活是有原因的,让他们从你的生活中消失肯定有一个更好的理由。
To love is to feel happy when s/he laughs, and hurt when s/he’s sad. Because your hearts have already connected to each other.----爱一个人就是,当TA高兴的时候跟着开心,当TA悲伤的时候跟着失落,只因两颗心早已不分彼此。
There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.---世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。
I’m just a sunflower, waiting for belongs to my only sunshine.---我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光。
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