nDear.l | nBaby.l
B1ack | Wh1te
丶IDoser | 丶Somuns
sweet | honey
Adriano | Adriana
丶IDoser | 丶Somuns
丶Give | 丶Save
べ Eoeey、 | Оnly べ
WiNt Er. | SuMm Er.
丶 I Doser | 丶 Somuns
King | Queen
Re、member | For、get
Je t'ime | He t'ime
That\īr1 | That\Вoч
Dunabec | Thamesc
B-boy | B-girl
Yearn、You|| | Need、You||
Xummer. | Dummer.
i.miss.you | i.love.you
Hi、girl | Hey、boy
4-eveR.~” | 7-eveN.~”
Youth so embarrassed | Whom roots out
Dian ambiguous | Dian tangled
I'm Yours | Your're mine
He is’ | She is’
Hey girl | Boy hey
Dian will not come | in the past not to Dian
Jue Jun ★ rz | Fit ☆ rz Shu cake
Precious h | Treasure h
Corner, lonely | street, lonely
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