commitment | together
KnightaY | PrincessaY
if the affair. | philandering.
allow me to come to a | love you more ↑
Samuel Lam 〓 | Samson Rao 〓
Last r | Last r
Jue Jun ★ rz | Fit ☆ rz Shu cake
s, want you in my heart | s, read your lips
ament grass ° | owers of death
Can not help. | Last resort.
ginning | he Results
ma1__ L es | m1ng__ L es
: Heyna. | : Green.
Take your heart f | take my heart f
Hong Yu シ | PO シ Huan
flowers | afraid, flowers
enot only◇ n | eBot also◇ n
too much | love too much
The happy r | humble r
ぴ Lucky bou | ぴ Lucky girl
L\O\V\E you | L\O\V\E me
tB1ack | tWh1te
Dunabec | Thamesc
g n ? have a lock on an | g n ? locked -
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